Special Focus Issue on Music Teacher Education. Call for Papers.

The Electronic Journal of Music in Education (LEEME) has opened a call for papers for a special focus issue on music teacher training entitled “Music teacher education: Where we come from and where we are going” and coordinated by Rosa Mª Serrano (PhD), from the University of Zaragoza.

This special issue seeks to address questions related to the training of music teachers at both ordinary and artistic teaching levels, nationally and internationally. To this end, the special focus issue is expected to pay attention to issues such as: the pre-service and in-service training that music teachers receive; the consequences of the European Higher Education Area on the training of music teachers; the tensions in the identity of music teachers: music-education, specialist-generalist, theory-practice; and the demands of society and the school with regard to music teachers, among many other issues. Manuscripts in English and Spanish are accepted. Deadline is July, 31st, 2020.

Full information about the call can be found in the attached document: Special Focus Issue 4th LEEME.

Link to the call for papers at the journal’s website (in Spanish): https://ojs.uv.es/index.php/LEEME/index

World Alliance for Arts Education Declaration

The World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE) held a meeting in Frankfurt with 180 experts from international organisations in dance, drama, visual art and music from 47 countries. Rosa Serrano and Óscar Casanova represented PROFMUS at this summit. The summit was used to reassert the Seoul Agenda goals from 2010 and to emphasise the importance of the UNESCO 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in relation to arts education. WAAE and its national associations’ networks in countries around the world call upon:
1. All education leaders, policy leaders and civil society to acknowledge that the arts, in their diversity, and arts educators play a critical role in fostering and transforming humanity.
2. UNESCO, leaders in civil society and policy leaders to recognise and resource arts education as a vital pillar for fostering and nurturing a culture of sustainability in society, where arts educators work with young people in order to develop artistic practices and competencies that bring about sustainable development as outlined within the UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals.
3. Arts educators and other educators to form collaborative partnerships with governments, civil society, professional organisations and communities to establish local specific action plans that contribute to the UNESCO sustainable development goals and to understand and transform the present ecological collapse and its impacts on the social, cultural, economic and spiritual lives and institutions of all peoples throughout the world. The Frankfurt Declaration celebrates the unprecedented arts performances linked to climate change movements led by children and young people throughout the world. It asserts arts education as a right for all towards the nurturing of a paradigm of solidarity, cooperation and good living.
4. UNESCO to continue and strengthen the advocacy and support for the implementation of the Seoul Agenda at local, national and international forums.
The full statement can be found in the attached document: Frankfurt Declaration WAAE Nov 19