We are starting a new research project

Since a few months ago, most of the members of this project together with colleagues from other Spanish universities have started the research project Transversality, Creativity and Inclusion in School Music Projects: An Evaluative Research (TCIEM). In this project we are conducting an evaluative research on music projects designed by teachers of different educational stages to develop transversal competences in the classroom. We are immersed in this new adventure, so if you want to know how the development of this research project is going, we invite you to visit the website of this project where you can find more information, as well as all the news that are being generated around it: https://tciem.ugr.es/

Thank you and see you at TCIEM!

New challenges in the musical education of future teachers

In this book chapter two members of the PROFMUS project, Yurima Blanco and Alicia Peñalba, examine various approaches currently being implemented in the musical training of future teachers. They propose three dimensions that contribute to respond to the current needs of music education and initial music teacher training: the expansion of repertoires, the use of music for social transformation, diversity and inclusion, and the interdisciplinary perspective.

Link to download the paper in Spanish: https://repositorio.ipcb.pt/handle/10400.11/8043

The Music Training of General Primary Education Teachers

Yurima Blanco and Alicia Peñalba, members of the PROFMUS project, present a publication that collects a case study on the musical training received by future Primary Education teachers in a Spanish university. The research analyzes the profile of students and teachers, the balance between musical and didactic contents, the use of ICT, the development of creativity, autonomy and the presence of diverse music and cultures. It is concluded that the teaching of music does not seem sufficient to implement its knowledge in primary school classrooms. Factors such as the large number of students, the use of non-specific classrooms or the lack of quality musical references present points of tension in this initial training.

Link to more information about the paper in English: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-78451-5_14