New book on the professional development of music teachers

The book En busca de recursos para el desarrollo profesional docente del profesorado de música: acciones para el cambio [In search of resources for music teacher professional development: actions for change] has just been published a few days ago by Octaedro. The editors are two members of the PROFMUS project, Alicia Peñalba and Yurima Blanco, from the University of Valladolid. The book aims to provide an approach to the reality of the professional development and continuing education of music teachers in Spain.

It consists of five case studies that examine in depth the singularities of in-service training in different contexts. It offers strategies to promote a real transformation in the professional development of music teachers and concludes with three key actions for change: the need for reform in teacher policies, the conjugation of different training models and the importance of a differentiated, heterogeneous and adapted to the reality of teachers’ professional development.

More information is available at the following link: or by downloading the press release of the book publication: Nota-prensa-09571