What are the music education instructors’ perceptions about pre-service music teacher education in Spain?

The International Journal of Music Education (IJME) has just published an article with the results of the quantitative study carried out by the PROFMUS project. By means of an ad hoc questionnaire, researchers collected information from instructors in the area of music education in Spanish universities who are in charge of training future music teachers at the primary and secondary levels. Some of the results show that the initial music teacher training programs are acceptable and fairly homogeneous.

The conclusion that this study could be drawn are the low presence of research in the development of these training programs, as well as an invitation to reflect on the fact that there are small differences found between men and women in relation to some topics.

The article was written by José Luis Aróstegui and Antonio Fernández-Jiménez, both members of the Profmus project and teachers at University of Granada. Link to the paper in English: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/02557614231188379