The short film and its educational potential: a study of competencies in initial teacher training

The researcher and member of the PROFMUS project, Yurima Blanco, together with other researchers, reflects on the educational potential of short films for the study of competencies in initial teacher training. This publication studies to what extent the realization of collaborative videographic projects contributes to the development of competencies in the initial training of future Primary Education teachers. The perception of competences is perceived by the students of the subject Artistic Creation and Visual and Musical Culture according to different hierarchical models, with multimedia skills, critical and responsible attitude, innovation and creativity, and group work having the greatest weight.

Link to more information about the paper in Spanish:

Innovation in music teacher education for secondary education

In the framework of the PROFMUS project, researchers Felipe Zamorano-Valenzuela and Rosa Serrano ask in a paper published in the journal Arts Education Policy Review how music teachers are being trained in terms of innovation, a concept that plays a decisive role in our current knowledge-based society and economy. This article aims to obtain an overview of the objectives and structures associated with the concept of innovation that appear in the Master’s degree for secondary music teachers in Spain. The researchers analyze the Spanish legislation and the Master’s programs of 26 Spanish universities. Their results reveal a lack of consensus on which objectives should be pursued and which innovative practices should be prioritized. However, there is a tendency to consider innovation as a mere exercise of adaptation of teachers and students to the school reality, proposing activities and projects in the field of digital technology, as well as examples of “good practices”. The researchers conclude that educational innovation needs fundamental advances, not only in terms of its budgets, but also in its actions, which should lead to the development of critical and creative attitudes that can favor real social transformation.

Link to the paper in English:

Artistic-sound installation for the training of future teachers

Yurima Blanco, member of the PROFMUS project, in collaboration with another professor of the University of Valladolid, has published an article that evaluates an experience developed by the students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education of the Faculty of Education of Palencia (Spain)based on the design and application of artistic-sound installations in natural spaces of the Campus.

These projects integrate the areas of musical and artistic expression and stimulate their application in schools. Collaborative work, creativity, entrepreneurship and critical sense favor identity processes and could be a continuous praxis in their future teaching. Link to the paper in Spanish: